So I found this quiz the predicts your job just by your name. That's right type your name in the box and out pops your job.
So I typed my name in and out pops........housekeeper.
I guess it's a good thing that I made that housekeeping schedule yesterday huh?
I bet if I had this set I would be much more enthused, very cute.
So I did your quiz. When I put in katie it said Housekeeper.
When I put in Katherine it said Trained Assassin....
hahaha I just laughed out loud. Mine says I'm a stripper. My middle name, Aline, says jungle explorer.
I guess I have an exciting life :P
Ok, I think housekeeper is the default setting because I typed in James and it came up as housekeeper... ??
I tried and got Emperor of all the world.....mwwahahaha!
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